Version 16.74.2 (Build 23062500) Resolved issues Outlook PowerPoint Accessibility Ribbon: All of the tools to help you make your presentation accessible in one place.Version 16.75 (Build 23070901) Feature updates PowerPoint Fixed an issue with the add account and create profile message list entry point disappearing prematurely.Fixed an issue where Outlook may unexpectedly close when generating a draft.Version 16.75.1 (Build 23071400) Resolved issues Outlook DisableExport will now only disable export, and DisableImport will disable import. Fixed an issue where the DisableExport key disabled both import and export.Fixed an issue where Outlook would close unexpectedly when using People Picker.Version 16.75.2 (Build 23072301) Resolved issues Outlook
If an app is not specifically listed below, the update for that app includes only quality and performance improvements. We sometimes release updates containing general quality and performance improvements and no new features.So, if you don’t see something described below, don't worry you'll get it eventually. This allows us to ensure that things are working smoothly before releasing the feature to a wider audience. We often roll out features (and sometimes even fixes) over a period of time.However, some features listed in the release notes are only available if you have a Microsoft 365 subscription. These release notes also apply to Office 2019 for Mac, Office LTSC 2021 for Mac, and Office 2021 for Mac, which are available as a one-time purchase from a retail store or through a volume licensing agreement.